10 Foods That’ll Tighten Your Tummy


10 Foods That’ll Tighten Your Tummy

By Shivani K  •  

Even if we end up skipping parties and social gatherings all year long, there’s one party which we all want to attend and look our best while doing so — the New Year’s Eve party! Isn’t it right? All through the year we’ve craved and indulged in foods that are nothing less than sins to our bodies. But with the New Year approaching so fast, we mean, it’s just a few weeks away peeps! And what’s special about this New Year? We’re entering a whole new decade of the 2020s *hearts eyes*! Most of us would have already made up our mind that we need to hit the gym or start following our favorite fitness coach’s videos in the comfort of our home itself. There’s no harm in making up your mind to do this!

1. Avocados


Native to the Americans, this yummilicious, buttery fruit is gaining popularity worldwide at a rapid pace. Merely half of an avocado is known to contain ten whole grams of monosaturated fats. Now, before you start thinking, “but fat is bad for health,” these are the good fats that help maintain the blood sugar levels of the body. Bad sugar levels are what lead to fat storage around your waist.

Avocados also help in absorbing carotenoids, the cancer-fighting compounds which are found in vegetables and fruits (1).

2. Bananas


Bananas are the fruits that boast of very high potassium levels in them. It has minerals that fight the belly-bloating sodium in our bodies (2).

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3. Greek Yogurt


Having a cup of Greek yogurt a day promotes the growth of all kinds of good bacteria in your gut. It is these bacteria that help throw out the bad microbes that lead to belly swelling. Greek yogurt is much more than just a creamy cup of goodness; it is a combination of proteins and carbs which normalize and stabilize insulin levels in the body. An imbalanced insulin level asks hormones to store fat in the form of calories (3). This will prevent you from gaining a flat, tightened tummy.

4. Citrus Foods


Isn’t this like a supermarket shocker? Well, vitamin C found in colorful fruits and vegetables like lemon, oranges, and bell peppers will actually help us in zapping a whopping thirty percent more of fats while exercising (4). That’s a boon to speed up your tummy tightening process, isn’t it?

5. Whole Grains


All you carb lovers out there, rejoice! Brown rice, oatmeal, bulgur, etc. contain filling fibers that help in keeping the body’s insulin levels low (5). Eating them will help shrink fat cells faster like never before.

6. Almonds And Other Raw Nuts


These nuts are excellent sources of proteins, magnesium, fiber, healthy monosaturated fats, and vitamin E (6). Consuming them will keep hunger at bay and they also provide you with a great source of energy to carry out your workouts efficiently and religiously.

7. Tomatoes


Tomato, a fruit, is regarded to be high in sodium, potassium, and water. It is a natural diuretic that helps to flush out excess elements that make the stomach bloat (7). To top it off, they are also rich in fiber and help in regulating digestion.

8. Quinoa


This whole grain has been proven by many for banishing belly fat and making tummy tighter in no time. It is because this holy grain contains nearly 11 grams of protein and is also ultra-satisfying, preventing you from crash eating or binging away to glory (8).

9. Asparagus


This is known to be an anti-inflammatory vegetable that is high in vitamins A and C; it also helps in accelerating the fat-burning mechanism of the body (9). It helps you get rid of all the water weight and leaves you with a tighter tummy.

10. Berries


Consider them as the best treats you can get your hands on while aiming at a tighter tummy. Because they come packed with antioxidants and fiber which are both essential to maintain a lean tummy (10).
